
I put some new boots on...

Deichmann Boot with studs
These boots are the boots that I have wanted to buy for three years already. I have this strange gift when it comes to shoes - I always have these gorgeous shoes in mind or have seen them on net-a-porter.com that I would like to buy. Then I go to the stores and look for something that fits the bill (and my wallet) and what happens? I don't find anything that matches my expectations. But then after about two to three years, suddenly all the shops in my price range carry what I was looking for. So, usually I just got something else because I needed new boots, but this year I actually don't need anything. Anyway, I got the boots from Deichmann that you can see above. Originally I had my eyes on the Acne pistol boot, but being sold for 400€ it was out of my price range.
Acne Pistol Boot
Görtz Pistol Boot

Then I found these at Görtz, I tried them on a couple of times, but at 99€ they cost still more than I would spend for a pair of boots. I tried to ratify a purchase with arguments like "I can wear them for years" but in the end I saved the money instead.

Having bought a black pair of boots in 2008 and in the beginning of 2012 I decided to get this brown pair of boots. I think it goes well with my planned Fall colour palette, which consists of earthy and muted colours.

Have you found the perfect boot yet?

1 Kommentar:

  1. Genau so ist es! Mir passiert das auch oft: ich bilde mir ein bestimmtes Schuhmodell ein und finde sowas nur in den ganz teuren Läden. Ein, zwei Jahre später gibt es das dann überall, was aber nichts nützt, denn ich will ja schon längst was ganz anderes... Und dieses Jahr brauche ich dringend Stiefel, denn an dem alten Paar ist ein Reißverschluss kaputt, und die Reparatur lohnt sich nicht mehr. Ich hab' auch schon im Kopf was ich will, aber ob es das in meiner Preisklasse gibt? Würde mich wundern.


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