Last year I managed to document my handmade outfits in May nearly everyday. Though I didn't manage to blog about it and you could only see them on my Instagram.
I wear a me-made garment nearly everyday, and my me-made wardrobe is fairly large so I believe it won't be a problem to participate this year. Anyway, I have a couple of things sitting in my closet, that I don't wear so frequently, therefore I want to integrate them in my pledge. Also I want to find out, why I don't wear them and maybe donate the garments that don't fit into my life anymore.
'I, Tine from, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015. Moreover I want to wear especially the garments, I haven't worn that often and donate the pieces to a charity, if I didn't want to wear them during May.'
I always feel bad, when I give away clothes, that I don't wear anymore, because I feel stupid for buying or making them once. But I guess it's better to have a smaller wardrobe of things you love instead of a stuffed closet, where you don't even remember that you have the garments.
I'm going to share my thoughts and outfits every day on Instagram and do a round up every five or six days, depending on my schedule. I will also take part in the German Stoffwechsel challenge. I hope I've got the time to keep you updated on everything. But as my sewing machine is in the repair shop again, I am not able to sew and can spend the evenings writing blog posts and taking pictures.
Liebe Tine, schön, dass du auch dabei bist! Ich finde es ganz normal, dass man hin und wieder etwas näht, das man dann nicht so oft trägt. Ist zwar schade um die investierte Zeit, aber schließlich kann man es vorher nicht anprobieren und manchmal sieht es ganz anders aus, als man es sich vorgestellt hatte. Deshalb ist es eine gute Idee vor allem die Sachen zu tragen, die sonst eher im Schrank bleiben. Ich bin gespannt auf deine Outfits!
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