
Oxfam finds of the week

As I already mentioned in a former post I work in an Oxfam-Shop once a week. Oxfam is a charity organisation that helps the people in developing countries to overcome poverty and suffering. It is financed by donations and the profit that they gain in their shops. All the people in the shop are volunteers and the inventory of the shop is achieved through donations. In Germany there are not so many shops that work like this but in Great Britain where Oxfam originates from there are a lot of these charity shops.
So while working there I get to see the new merchandise before it gets to the shopfloor and mostly there are a couple of pieces that I like. But before I can buy them, they have to be on the shop floor for at least 1 hour to give the other customers a chance as well.
I try to restrict myself to buy only for less than 10 € but this week I was slightly above my budget.

 This is what I got. A simple white t-shirt, a neon-yellow skinny belt and a small bag that I want to use as a camera bag.
Moreover I got these stripey leggings which are originally from H&M. I already liked them when they were in the stores sometime ago and now they are mine. I don't have an idea yet on how to style them, maybe they will end up as pyjama pants.

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