I always wished to live in the Seventies. I guess, there'd be some things that I wouldn't have liked at that time, but I love the fashion of the Seventies and therfore I'm uber happy that this season also many fashion designers were inspired by the Seventies.
I already shared my favourite makes of last year and I still love my black flares. Today I want to show you the wearable muslin version. I used a blue denim, that I once got at work and which was the prefect muslin fabric for these flared jeans. In the final version I added some length, but otherwise I made it as seen on the blue version. The fit was quite good at the first try and I love the shape of the flare.
The blue dotted crop top was made using the leftover fabric I had from my dotted dress, which I made last summer.
For the jeans I made my own pattern, simply by changing the pattern pieces, that I use for jeans. It was actually quite simple. I measured the hem width of a pair of flares that I liked and beginning at some centimetres above the knee marking I angled the sideseam of the piece, so that I had the required hem width. Otherwise I didn't have to change anything, as the pattern was already high waisted. Though I split the back leg to have a yoke. For the pocket placement I got good advice, when I asked on Instagram during the making process.
For the crop top I used my GBSB book One pattern, that I also use for making blouses.
My wardrobe is very happy about the new addition of the flares and so am I. In many blogs you can read about making a coherent wardrobe and the Wardrobe Architect series of Coletterie is very useful to structure your ideas about the perfect wardrobe. In the beginning of the year I started to think about my wardrobe as well and made some resolutions. And I feel like it's getting somewhere. I started to edit the pieces that are in my closet and made some decisions about which pieces to sell and which to keep. I also started using more of my stash fabrics instead of always buying new fabrics - though I have to admit I had a bit of a fall back this weekend, when I bought three pieces, but they were all sewn into project already, so that's okay. I don't want to be strict on myself.
How is your wardrobe planning coming along?
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